The festival came to an end this weekend in Cambodia, and it went out with full force. I'll let Joyce's son David explain.
Wow! What a night! In all my years of missions, I have never experienced what just happened here in Cambodia. Right before Delirious?, Darlene Zschech & Joyce Meyer (my mom) were about to hold an indoor blow out service for about three thousand people, several men from a local government office came and tried to shut the meeting down. They were able to successfully get the power shut off, even though they had no authority to do so. We decided to take the meeting outside. Joyce had to climb the fence just to get into the courtyard and the crowd went crazy. We all proceeded to worship God, led by Darlene Zschech and Martin Smith, and hear words of encouragement from Joyce—all through a bullhorn! God works all things out. He is absolutely sovereign! It was truly a historic moment for the church of Cambodia!
Unfortunately, tonight and tomorrow night has been cancelled. But I can say first hand that the people of Cambodia felt hope and experienced God!
Here is a list of things I learned/experienced on the trip:
1. When someone doesn't speak your language AT ALL, speaking
slower doesn't help.
2. The people in Cambodia were so sweet, if you asked them for something, they always say "Yes", but never come back with what you asked for...they only know how to say "Yes".
3. Chris Tomlin is my favorite artist, and at a local church they were singing "How Great Is Our God" in Khmer. That alone was Awesome, but there was a boy about 5 years old at the alter with one hand raised and one hand on his heart singing with his eyes closed. That was definitely a highlight on my trip.
4. Being able to preach before 100 people in a foreign country with help from an interpreter was a great experience. I started and ended my speech in Khmer, which they thought was funny or maybe they couldn't understand me. ??
5. Being able to be a kid with kids. Watch the video.
6. Being used by God when you feel you have nothing left to offer.
7. Seeing a country full of people who are different, yet they worship and praise the same God as we do with just as much passion and conviction...better yet, with
more passion.
8. The average income for a family in Cambodia is $400 a month.
9. 1,000
new women and children are forced into prostitution each month; mostly by someone they know (husband, parent, other family member...).
10. When you return home after
experiencing something like this, you can't help but evaluate everything in your life. Literally you don't have a choice, your mind automatically does it.
I was going to do a Top 10, but I learned so much.
11. There's still hope for Cambodia!